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Plan your 2022 Driving Events

As many tracks and racing organizers start releasing their event dates, it's time to get out the calendar and start planning your driving event schedule.

To have a great season, you need to be prepared. The last thing you want is to be that guy who is selling all his spots last minute. (You also don't want to be that guy waiting for someone to blow up a motor so you can get their spot...because you didn't plan ahead!)

Some things to keep in mind as you schedule:

- Don't overlap with family events or friend's weddings. Either everyone will hate you or you will be bummed about not driving. It's a lose-lose.

- Write it down! Either on you phone/computer or on an actual calendar. Where to get an actual calendar...order one from your favorite artist, look for stores giving them away (I scored a nice one at Fleet Farm at the check out area), or pick one up at the dollar store. If you use a digital calendar, print it out and stick it on the fridge.

- Is your car ready now? If not, that should be first priority for your time and money. Pick events in mid-Summer, instead of Spring if you don't have a car that is ready. Even with the best intentions, working on a car takes at least 3x as long as you think it will...most of this is waiting for parts or getting the wrong part or needing a new tool.

- Plan a good mix of tracks you are familiar with and new tracks. To grow as a driver, you will want to work on improving the basics and also pushing yourself and testing the limits of what your car is capable of.

- Consider driving distance and whether or not you need to trailer. If you don't have a trailer, you will need to coordinate that.

- Plan for expenses and budget how many events you can afford for the season. In addition to the event cost, you will need to account for: food, possible lodging, extra tires, gas to get to/from event and while driving, extra tires, swag from vendors.

- Leave some time between events. You will need to go over the car after every event and do maintenance. Even if you don't rip a bumper off or shred through all your tires, you will need time to do the basic upkeep. A week or so between events is ideal.

- Pick the event you really, really want to do and make sure that one gets on your calendar. Make it happen! Even if you have to set 5 calendar reminders for when tickets go on sale. Even if it's the only event you drive and the rest of the time you cruise for fun or do car shows.

- Bottom line: Drive the fun events you want and make sure your car is set up properly.

Here are some 2022 event calendars we have stumbled upon:

International Ice Racing Association -

WI Dells Raceway Park -

...and we will work on putting together a better list!

Blog by Lissa Strait

Photos by Montana Strait

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